By the time you have decided to outsource the collection of your debts it is likely that you will have spent a considerable amount of time and effort trying to recover the money yourself. Telephone calls, letters emails. You know that your debtor does not intend to pay so another letter from a debt collection company or a legal firm will likely not make a difference and there is a fair chance the any such correspondence will end up, unopened, in a bin at your further expense.
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At Legal and Financial Support we offer a comprehensive debt collection service which is targeted to your individual circumstances. We will take full details from you concerning the circumstances under which the debt arose and the reasons why it has not been paid and we will advise you on your best options for recovering the money owed to you. On occasions we may have to advise you that it is not worth pursuing the debt for example if we discover that your debtor is insolvent.
We shall ensure that you claim for everything which you are entitled to including interest recovery costs and any other direct ancillary loss arising from your debtor’s failure to pay you what you are owed.
We offer a fully comprehensive debt collection package from an initial debt recovery service through to a seamless transition to full legal procedures and debt enforcement based on strict timeframe for action through the various stages of the debt recovery process.
Legal and Financial Support Services offer a full package, from Debt Recovery through to provision of a complete Credit Control system, we can tailor any package to suit each client’s individual needs.
Enhanced Debt Collection Services
Legal and Financial Support Services offer an enhanced debt collection service which is at the cutting edge of debt collection procedures. We have spent many months developing the business model and much longer in helping to shape the interpretation of the legal framework under which our business model operates. We apply the legislation and case law in an innovative way to maximise the financial claims of our individual clients. We are not in the business of offering a service without teeth – in fact we make your business our business in a joint venture approach to an old and entrenched problem.
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Niamh McGlinchey
“In all the years my husband and I were involved in litigation, you had the sharpest, cleverest legal brain of the lot.”
Ruth McNeill
“When we got Donnell Deeny involved along with a solicitor called Robert Martin, things really started to accelerate.”